Will ortho-enriched water increase the durability of concrete?

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Water molecules exist as two spin isomers, differing by the relative orientation of the nuclear spins of the two hydrogen atoms: either antiparallel (para-water, S=0) or parallel (ortho-water, S=1) [1]. The transition between these nuclear spin states can be achieved through magnetic symmetry breaking via a field gradient across the spins applied by a suitably placed magnetic moment for a sufficiently long time [2]. The contradictory mechanisms of interaction between water or an aqueous solution and magnetic field were reviewed, especially the one expanded on Dynamically Ordered Liquid Like Oxyanion Polymers (DOLLOP) [3]. Then the state of art agreements that have been proved by reproductive experiments or theories were discussed. A new hypothesis for the magnetic effects on the interconversion of nuclear spin isomers of water at the interface of water-O2 was proposed, as well as its applicability in the structure modification of C-S-H.