Anomaly Detection in Sleep Staging in Critically Ill Children

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Study objectives: Conventional sleep scoring is based on the scoring criteria of the American Association of Sleep Medicine (AASM) but may not be suited to describe sleep in critically ill children admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). In this study, an anomaly detection model using Gaussian Models trained on sleep stages in data from non-critically ill children is developed to assess if polysomnography(PSG)-derived electroencephalography (EEG) data from critically ill children can be categorized into sleep stages based on these AASM scoring criteria.
Methods: A retrospective study at Erasmus MC Sophia Children’s Hospital, using PSG recordings obtained in non-critically ill children between 2017 and 2021 and in critically ill children between 2020 and 2022.
Gaussian Models were individually trained for each sleep stage using data from non-critically ill children. Anomaly detection was carried out by computing the Mahalanobis Distances and assigning datapoints to specific sleep stages or categorizing them as anomalous. Errors were quantified by calculating the ratio of anomalous epochs to the total number of epochs. The trained Gaussian Models were applied to distinct sleep stages in the data from non-critically ill children. Subsequently, the models were applied to data from critically ill children to determine the categorization of their epochs. This was also analyzed over time and involved comparisons related to medication, mechanical ventilation, and the severity of illness assessed by the PELOD-2 score.
Results: In non-critically ill children the models obtained validation errors aligning with the margin error of the training set. The models could not fully differentiate the distinct sleep stages. In critically ill children, the majority of epochs were classified into multiple sleep stages. High error rates were evident for sleep stages N1, R, and N. Some patients exhibited elevated error rates specifically for sleep stage N1. REM sleep was reduced, consistent with findings from previous studies. In contrast, N3 sleep did not show a reduction. When compared to the sleep stage labels assigned by neurophysiologists, the model classified epochs into multiple sleep stages, while neurophysiologists frequently used the label N. A higher PELOD-2 score did not consistently correlate with an increased occurrence of anomalous classifications in the epochs of these patients to those with lower PELOD-2 scores.
Discussion: Overlap of sleep stages was observed in non-critically ill children. Epochs from critically ill children were classified into multiple sleep stages without clear associations in time or severity of illness. Building upon the established anomaly detection framework is recommended by employing more advanced anomaly detection methods using an informative feature selection. This study marks an initial step, indicating that applying the AASM.