Relationship Analysis between Beach Nourishment Longevity and Design Aspects

A study of the Central Holland Coast using a Multiple Linear Regression

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In the past decades, beach nourishments have been widely applied along the coast of the Netherlands. Different studies on beach nourishment have been conducted over the years. Most of these studies regard the design, execution method, morpho- and hydrodynamic behaviour, and ecological impact. However, the relationship between the design aspects and the longevity of beach nourishment is not well understood. Here we show with the multiple linear regression (MLR) model that the design aspects volume per metre, height and length of beach nourishment are of interest to analyse the relationship with beach nourishment longevity in the central Holland coast. The storm variables were negligible according to the model since the regression coefficients are insignificant. After numerous reruns of the MLR model, it was noticed that the regression coefficient of design volume per metre is fluctuating. This could indicate a positive, negative, or even no distinct correlation between the design volume per metre and longevity. Therefore, no clear conclusions could be drawn on the design of nourishment volume per metre in order to extend a longer beach nourishment longevity. According to the MLR model, the design length has a positive regression coefficient and design height a negative regression coefficient. These signs suggest that a lower design height elevation and longer design length will result in a longer beach nourishment longevity. The computed beach nourishment longevities of the 7 locations (Julianadorp, Callants-oog, Bergen aan Zee, Egmond aan Zee, Bloemendaal aan Zee, Scheveningen, and Ter Heijde) along the central Holland coast showed that the average longevity of each location could not be interpreted with certainty. This outcome results from the given confidence level of the longevities and the number of beach nourishments used for the computation. Nevertheless, these computed longevities showed that a typical beach nourishment longevity along the central Holland coast is in the range of 3 and 3.5 years. Further, it was observed that computed beach nourishment longevities along the central Holland coast have increased between 1990 and 2020. The increase of beach nourishment longevity coincided with a policy shift in 1999 when shoreface nourishment became a common practice. Therefore, this data suggests that the presence of shoreface nourishment had a positive impact on the longevity of beach nourishments. Despite this result, no certain conclusion could be drawn as the positive contribution can also be caused by increasing nourishment volume through the years. Overall, data-driven research forms the basis of this study and provides a first qualitative insight into the relationship between design aspects and beach nourishment longevity of the central Holland coast.