Collaborate to accelerate

Exploring the empirical perspective on accelerating the initiation phase of inner-city redevelopment projects: from Industrial to mixed work-residential areas

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The Dutch housing market is currently dealing with a significant dwelling deficit, which results in the need to accelerate the development of large quantities of dwellings in the urban areas. This thesis studies the redevelopment of inner-city industrial sites into mixed work-residential areas, especially focussing on the collaboration process between the municipality, landowner-users and project developers in the initiation phase. A Q-methodology research is conducted to identify which empirical perspectives exist on which factors are important when accelerating the collaboration process. Twenty-eight respondents from municipalities, landowner-users and project developers from three Dutch redevelopment projects have been used for this research. The main research findings are:
- The identification of four distinctive empirical perspectives on which organisational, process and instrument factors need to be incorporated into the collaboration process to accelerate it.
- The insight into the determinants that show which type of parties have which perspective and in which type of cases which perspectives are likely to occur.
- Practical recommendations to design the collaboration process in a way that its acceleration potential is enlarged.
- The assembly of the building block approach conceptual model that uses the insights in the perspectives and the determinants to construct a case specific collaboration approach.
By designing the collaboration process according to the preferences of the involved parties, expressed by the four perspectives, the parties are more committed to the process which results in a more effective and therefore faster initiation phase. Eventually this can help to accelerate the construction of the needed dwellings.
So, you have to collaborate to accelerate.