Enhancing the Experience of Pregnancy Detection

Design and Embodiment of a reusable pregnancy testing device

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Pregnancy tests are the most used diagnostic test in the world where the market is expected to be worth $1.5 Billion. However, since its introduction to the market in 1976, it has experienced limited innovation. Despite its importance in providing crucial information about a significant life event, women continue to rely on outdated and limited options. The existing tests are often expensive or of poor quality, and their single-use nature fails to address the diverse need for sustainable practices. This gap in the market arises from a reluctance among established players to disrupt their stable revenue streams and a lack of investment in female health.
This master thesis intends to present a comprehensive investigation into enhancing the user experience of pregnancy detection and attempting to enhance its overall experience for its intended and unintended users. The project aims to address the limitations of existing single-use pregnancy tests and present an alternative option which would fit the current and future scenarios.
Given the costs associated with essential feminine hygiene products, such as sanitary pads, tampons, and other menstrual care items, as well as fertility products including contraceptives and potential expenses related to fertility treatments, women face a considerable financial burden that accumulates over time.
SureSign aims to disrupt the testing experience for women, providing them with a clear and user-friendly solution while trying to minimize the financial barrier associated with repeated testing. By offering an affordable and inclusive testing option, the product intends to empower women to make informed decisions about their reproductive journey. It envisions a future where women can test multiple times without worrying about the financial implications and sustainability impact, enabling them to confidently navigate their next steps based on accurate and reliable results.
The thesis is carried out in collaboration with Pharmista Technologies. Their role in this master thesis extends to providing initial market insights and to provide expertise in the technology behind potentially making the testing process sustainable - by making it reusable. They provide their existing knowledge about a patent sensor they develop, which in theory allows one to take multiple tests from a singular device. Their goal is to make this action of reusability take place at least 10 times.
The project is divided in two main phases: the research phase of the current scenario and subsequently a development phase for the future scenario. The research phase involves conducting user interviews to gain insights into user needs and challenges related to pregnancy tests. This phase also establishes if the requirement of reusable test actually exists. The project then delves into the embodiment phase which involves form factors related to the overall product experience. Drawing from the gathered insights, a user feedback oriented design process is employed to develop prototypes of the new pregnancy test, considering factors such as usability, accuracy, and ergonomics. The prototypes are evaluated through user testing, allowing for continuous loops of refinement.

The outcome of this master's thesis aims to not only push the field of pregnancy detection forward but also forge a significant stride towards sustainability within the femtech industry. This will be realized through the presentation of fresh perspectives aimed at enhancing the user experience, need for accuracy, and dependability of these devices. The findings will provide valuable recommendations for design refinements and the eventual market launch of this product for Pharmista. This holds the promise of uplifting the experiences of couples navigating their fertility path and women embracing sustainable approaches throughout their reproductive journey.