Towards Turkish LADM valuation information model country profile
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A recently established joint working group under International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) Commission 9 (Valuation and the Management of Real Estate) and FIG Commission 7 (Cadastre and Land Management) has started the development of an information model for the specification of valuation information maintained by public authorities especially for property taxation. In this initiative, ISO 19152:2012 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) has been taken as the basis for the development of a Valuation Information Model. A first version of the LADM Valuation Information Model was created based on international standards, literature survey and data gained from questionnaires replied by the national delegates of FIG Commission 9 and FIG Commission 7. The planned further works include (i) creating country profiles, and (ii) development of prototypes for the assessment of country profiles and conceptual model itself.
This paper presents an overview of immovable property valuation conducted for taxation purposes in Turkey. Based on this overview, it also proposes a country profile of LADM Valuation Information Model in Turkey case. The country profile covers valuation activities for annually levied recurrent property taxes (i.e. Land Tax and Building Tax) in Turkey, characteristics and spatial aspects of valuation units used in property valuation, property valuation approaches employed for property taxation, transaction prices used in valuation procedures, parties involved in valuation practices, and information on taxes on immovable property. The profile also includes the content of code lists that detail administrative valuations in relation to property tax assessments in Turkey. The proposed profile is evaluated with Unified Modeling Language (UML) instance level diagrams in examples of property taxes on land and building in Turkey for assessing whether the profile fulfills the needs of information management aspects of valuation activities for property taxation. Towards