Dynamic B0 Inhomogeneity Correction at Low Field (50mT) using Interleaved B0 Mapping

Applied to Turbo Spin Echo and Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting

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Low-field MRI is susceptible to temperature changes in magnet temperature, resulting in time-dependent inhomogeneities. This causes time-dependent phase shifts in the measured signal, leading to image distortions. In this project, a method is proposed to interleave short magnetic field (B0) mapping sequences in the target image acquisition for Turbo Spin Echo (TSE) and Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF). Simulations show that the proposed correction method works in 2D. Experiment results show that interleaved B0 mapping can be done at relatively low spatial and temporal resolution, shortening the B0 acquisition time. Also, the distortion correction works for both TSE and MRF, though its advantages over static inhomogeneity correction are limited to acquisitions with a small bandwidth per voxel and large or very inhomogeneous frequency drifts.


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