Let's change old perspectives

connected by meeting

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The studio “Designing for Care – towards an inclusive living environment” which focuses on the future perspective for elders in need of care. Aging society, political changes within the healthcare system and the perception towards aging have led to my graduation topic: Bridging the gap – connected by meeting. The cur-rent way of building for elderly is focusing more on individuality and practicality which is leading towards segregation between elders and the society and therefore do not meet the needs and wishes of elders who want to live in a more included and selfreliant environment. Therefore, elders feel neglected by authorities, family and distanced from society. This is partly resulting in social isolation for some elders while they still have the will to participate in society. The feeling of isolation must be counteracted. For this reason, it is my goal to develop a new housing concept where elders feel more engaged with the social network in the neighborhood. The design must ensure that elders feel encouraged to go outside, or at least have a view on activities around the building to meet others from within their private zone. Because during the interviews I often heard that elders (mainly 80+) who are less mobile and more home bound have a great value the space around their house. The design of a new housing concept does not solve all the problems, the urban network around the building must be considered in the design as well. By creating an environment where people meet each other, look after each other and elders are seen as equals and can participate in this social network. A community where elders can live happily in old age.