B.M. Jurgenhake
32 records found
Assessment tool to evaluate and improve age-inclusiveness of public spaces: combining a behavioral sciences and an urban design approach
Age-inclusiveness public spaces O&O Ossokina_Jurgenhake
We suggest an assessment tool for evaluating the age-inclusiveness of public spaces, taking into account the existing urban design and based on the needs and preferences of the target population. Methodologically, our study combines behavioral research and observational interview
The ageing society asks for architectural designs in which people can grow old. However, our living environments are not well-equipped for this. Isolation, loneliness or neglect of the elderly are often seen results. What if we could create living environments for mixed communiti
The ageing society asks for architectural designs in which people can grow old. However, our living environments are not well-equipped for this. Isolation, loneliness or neglect of the elderly are often seen results. What if we could create living environments for mixed communiti
This study focuses on research about the spatial and social living environment of elderly with care demand. It developed from the urge for new ways of thinking about the design of care for elderly in neighborhoods and houses. In a collaboration between an architectural school of
Dutch care environments for people with dementia
Impressions from the perspectives of an architect and a gerontologist
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to discuss Dutch innovative care environments for older people, including those living with dementia, from the perspectives or an architect and a social gerontologist. Design/methodology/approach: The authors visited three care environments f
Local Community Area
De machiya als nieuw woonmodel
De Local Community Area van de Japanse architect Riken Yamamoto verkent de mogelijkheden van het bouwblok als autarkische eenheid, waarbij de historische machiya in een nieuw jasje wordt gestoken.
Japanese architect Riken Yamamoto’s concept Local Community Area explores the poss
A day in the life of vulnerable elderly
Human centered research and architectural answers
This conference paper addresses the very topical theme ‘housing the growing numbers of elderly’, especially the ones who need care. It reports on our idea to combine anthropological research methods with architectural design processes and will elaborate on the research method as
The objective of this conference paper is to discuss the problem of loneliness among vulnerable elderly and the question if and how architecture could offer a contribution to a better balance between encounters and retreat of the elderly in daily life. As the activities of vulner
Elderly homes
Anthropological research to achieve an architecture for the elderly
The objective of this conference paper is to report on the idea of combining visual anthropological research methods with architectural design processes in our masterclasses. We argue that the person whom we design for should be the first to focus on getting in depth information.
Ageing homes
Visual anthropology and the architecture of elderly care
An ageing society has severe implications for the organization of care and residential housing. Existing housing designs as well as public spaces generally are not well equipped for accommodating growing numbers of elderly. The demographic transition to an ageing society runs par
Ambitions of Residential Houses in Dutch cities - The interface of the building as a research object
Discussing two highlights of Dutch residential houses and their changes through time
The architecture of residential buildings has always being related to social conditions and political tendencies, to new techniques, new materials and contemporary popular taste. Dwelling in the urban context makes it very necessary to deal with the aspect of privacy next to the
De gevel - een intermediair element tussen buiten en binnen
Over het tonen en vertonen van het twintigste -eeuwse woongebouw in Nederland
The research focusses on the façade of the collective residential building in the Dutch city. The high complexity of functions of the façade makes it a very sensitive element of the house. The façade is the skin of the house, a boundary between outside and inside, between public
Architectural reflections on residential buildings and their renovation
Destruction or preservation of the architectural language
This paper is about a study of Dutch residential buildings in the 20th century and the architectural means that were used to create an appearance towards the neighbourhood. The study shows how this appearance changed after renovation. More than 80% of the Dutch housing stock was