L.G.A.J. Reinders


20 records found

Framing Atmospheres

A journey through Rue du Faubourg du Temple

This graduation project finds its origins in my fascination for cities and its atmospheres, which are endangered by the process called gentrification. Gentrification is the effect in which urban areas are renovated and upgraded causing for lower-income classes to be abandoned tow ...

Nature was never far away

Experiencing the urban forest through realms of living, moving and visiting

A guide for the landscape architectural design of an urban forest that helps create realms of experience in order to make people more aware of our connection to nature. The imbalance between how we live and how the natural world around us works leads to a disconnected relationsh ...

The spring

A place of fertile ground and growth

Transform is the keyword for the situation we are in. The climate is changing and we do to. Our needs change every day, and we like the change. We like the transformation, because that is life. We search for goals. Goals that help us to become something we always wanted to be. ...

Erosion for Betterment

Designing with Erosion to improve well-being | a case study of the Volta Delta, Ghana

Erosion for Betterment is a graduation project within the Landscape Architecture master track at the TU Delft. The project examines an underdeveloped coastal area in Ghana that is sadly facing severe erosional threats due to previous unfortunate human activities. It offers an une ...

Fun by the grey

A design where elderly live together and take ‘care’ of each other

The amount of elderly will increase in the future and elderly homes were abolished by the government due to cutbacks in 2012. There is no room for the target group that is too good for the nursing home and too bad for home care. In this Graduation Studio ‘Designing for Care I wil ...

The Paper School

Layer over Layer

Architecture is made for the user. It needs to fulfill their wishes. When a building is taken into use the architecture of the architect partly disappears. This is not because the architect did not do a good job. This is the cause of being use. The users will always change a spac ...

a home in the city

Testing street dwelling as an alternative in Munich's housing crisis

Challenging a predominant focus in academia on studying societal and spatial challenges primarily in the Global South or non-Western environments, this project investigates the urban fabric and hidden socio-political mechanisms of precarity in the city of Munich, Germany. Housele ...

A Health and Wellness Centre for the city of Nijmegen

A place for escape in Nijmegen’s city centre

This thesis aims to develop a new urban and architectural condition for the site of the existing Molenpoort shopping centre, within Nijmegen’s city centre. The project aims to investigate how play can be considered as part of urban and architectural design in an attempt to make a ...

Community Art School

Assembling an art commons for Nijmegen

The city of Nijmegen transformed drastically during the last century during its reconstruction period after the war. The city we know now is characterised by the commodification of city centre. With the proliferation of shopping in the city, the community and neighbourhood became ...

A Women's House for Droixhe

Exploring Human-Centric Architecture as a Catalyst for Social Connection, Urban Revitalization, and Women Empowerment

This project delves into the transformative potential of human-centric architecture as a catalyst for social connection, urban revitalization, and empowerment in the neighborhood of Droixhe in Liège, Belgium. Drawing inspiration from the collective Les Amis de L'Étang, comprising ...

Sponge Polder

The revival of traditional polder wisdom in the Taihu Lake Basin

Polders in the Taihu basin have a history of over two thousand years. The low-lying topography and dense water network create convenient geographical conditions for the reclamation of polders. Later, with the rapid population growth, mulberry-dike-fish-pond was constructed in ord ...

Common Ground

Urban Architecture

Nijmegen, the oldest city in the Netherlands, is characterised by its topography, scale, and liberal attitudes. Described as ‘old city, young vibe’, Nijmegen is known for its left-wing politics, stimulated by the presence of Radboud University. It has a heterogeneous population o ...

Retreat the line

Empowering play as an other way of making architecture

In the face of the prevailing norms and practices in contemporary architecture, there is a growing need to find alternative ways of making architecture that prioritize human experiences, social interactions, and a deeper connection with the built environment. The examination of e ...

The Architecture of Altering

Revealing Molenpoort

Shopping malls are failing around the world. This global process highlights relevant questions about the future of our cities and the inclusion of the shopping heritage. Are these places valuable? How can these places offer a spatial quality within the city? Departments stores a ...

The Urban Game

Design of a Health Center in Nijmegen

The central point of the thesis is formulation and testing of a design method with a strong focus on the user activity and personal experience in the designed space. The design algorithm consists of a series of iterative steps based on architectural and sensorial sequences of act ...

The Working Homes

Social housing dwellings affording opportunities for financial betterment through the use of integral work spaces

The Working Home Project seeks to create a social housing residential neighborhood that affords opportunities for financial betterment through the use of integrated workspaces. This project stems from an interest in people. How they live and interact with each other through explo ...

Commercial Fulfillment Center

Renovation of Passage de Molenpoort in Nijmegen

Bricolage is a way of thinking, researching and designing. From the perspective of architect, we build our realm using the existing constructing logic and limited materials, to make something new from the old, which seems to be a low-key but efficient way for renovation of Passag ...

Ikebana Gallery School

The new craft school

The Ikebana gallery school positions itself in a dense urban context with a secure connection to its didactic elements and the reappreciation of the chosen craft. It is a multi-faced project which sheds light on education, residents and parties to re-direct the urban context. My ...

A Spatial Dialogue in the emerging city of Addis Ababa

Bridging the Gaps between Informality and Formality

The Master's thesis "A Spatial Dialogue in the emerging city of Addis Ababa" explores the intricate dynamics between formal and informal housing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Authored by a German-Ethiopian architectural designer, the thesis critically examines the oversimplified cate ...


Heterotopia: the re-use of alterity and authenticity in Molenpoort

The design and research developed in a Lexicon of bricolage definitions of Nijmegen, becoming a new way of recomposing an understandable language as a research product that could be shared but also interpreted by everyone. The research highlights the value of the context, related ...