S. Stalker

14 records found

Negotiating ways to intervene

Transforming an existing warehouse into a vocational school

This project explores how continuous iterative drawing and model making can contribute to a deeper understanding of the challenges and potentialities of an existing building in its relation to a new programme.
In Brussels, a post-industrial landscape split in 2. One side has ...
This project focuses on sound in architecture and the urban environment. The location of this project is Friche Josaphat, a green and biodiverse area located in Brussels. Being a void over the last years, this place changed into a biodiverse landscape. The main question of this r ...

Permanent Temporality

Introducing presence to protect the Josphat Friche in Brussels, by the establishment of a cemetery, funeral home and crematorium

Warp & Weft

Exploring the Intersection of Weaving and Architecture

This research project addresses the urban development issue of fragmentation in Brussels, Belgium, by using a vacant wasteland as a case study. It examines three key phenomena—Bronxification, Disneyfication, and Brusselization—that have contributed to the city's fragmentation int ...
The research of the relationship between a traveling theatre and it's context on an abandoned rail yard in Brussels, followed by the proposal of an urban plan and new theatre building ensemble at the site entrance.
In a world increasingly under pressure due to housing shortages, urbanization, and climate change, the Friche Josaphat stands as the last green in town in the midst of metropolitan Brussels. However, urban green spaces are usually experienced by distracted urban audiences, preocc ...

Intimate Urbanity of Rue du Moulin

Study on the fragmentation and the collective memory of Rue du Moulin

The street is perhaps the most prosaic of the city’s public realm, allowing us to view the very ordinary practices of life and livelihood – a space to move or pause, to meet friends, post a letter, to buy goods and is composed of an amalgamation of rooms along it. Due to the poss ...

Architecture as a language that can bridge cultures

On understanding the city through type, elements and systems

The goal of this research is to create a new understanding of the individuality of the city of Liége, by constructing a “logic of architecture”, a logic rooted in place, through a personal (dynamic) understanding of the site and its people & positioned within architectural th ...
This year's urban architecture graduation studio proposes a site specific approach within the district of Bressoux, on the fringe of the city of Liège. Seeking for opportunities in the working class district, after the industry has left the stage, a courtyard on a corner is found ...


Contextualizing production with every day’s activities in a post-industrial city

Liège with its post-industrial identity has a long history as an important manufacturing center in Europe for steel making and coal mining. However, the segregation between production and the city, has made the industry detached from the urban condition and the everyday life. Tod ...

The Fourth wall of the stage

Exploring the backstages of Maastricht

Theatrum mundi and the idea of ‘the city as a stage’ is the foundation of this research. It configures the our area of interest within the realms of stages, sets, scenes and backstages by defining their interrelations and metaphorical exchanges within the spaces in a city. The ap ...