P.E.L.J.C. Vermeulen


20 records found

The spring

A place of fertile ground and growth

Transform is the keyword for the situation we are in. The climate is changing and we do to. Our needs change every day, and we like the change. We like the transformation, because that is life. We search for goals. Goals that help us to become something we always wanted to be. ...

Generous Space for Improvisation

A bricolage of everyday life, passage and urban residue

Wandering around the neighborhood and exploring the unstable interstitial space, the passages were deemed as the most vibrant stages for real life, the hidden gems behind the walls bounding the street. The passages connect the street to the consumption space behind the row of hou ...

Inhabiting the uninhabitable

Life, work and culture in Anderlecht

The graduation project wants to define some activity points and events capable of creating social integration. The key to their meaning and success will be the use and the appropriation that the communi¬ty itself will make of them. According to Jane Jacobs the ‘everyday life’ spa ...

Nurture in Nature

Contributing to childhood development in Bressoux & Droixhe by strengthening nature connectivity

'The Scarred City', the theme of the Urban Architecture graduation studio in 2022/2023. This location-based studio started with Droixhe/Bressoux, a troublesome and difficult area in Liège (Belgium), as the overarching project site. Starting with fieldwork and participatory resear ...

Gele Scheikunde

Altering the existing

This project is about transforming existing buildings that are facing demolition. In opposition to the constant renewing of our physical world for better performing building, this graduation proposes a gradual mutation of a locality.

The line between existing and new

The adoption of material reuse as a design strategy for the transormation of a rear side of the urban block to a new pedestrian front

The main research in question regards what is Bricolage in architecture. This topic is strikingly valuable to contemporary demand, given the fact that there is a considerable amount of buildings and building elements that do not carry a value that is strong enough to be considere ...

A Health and Wellness Centre for the city of Nijmegen

A place for escape in Nijmegen’s city centre

This thesis aims to develop a new urban and architectural condition for the site of the existing Molenpoort shopping centre, within Nijmegen’s city centre. The project aims to investigate how play can be considered as part of urban and architectural design in an attempt to make a ...

Collective memory in Architecture

Craft School in Anderlecht, Brussels

The studio theme is spolia/bricolage, which means re-using old materials or ideas (spolia) and working spontaneously with what is found at hand (bricolage). The research leading to the collective memory and its architectural application was about Alvaro Siza’s way of working with ...

Commercial Fulfillment Center

Renovation of Passage de Molenpoort in Nijmegen

Bricolage is a way of thinking, researching and designing. From the perspective of architect, we build our realm using the existing constructing logic and limited materials, to make something new from the old, which seems to be a low-key but efficient way for renovation of Passag ...


Heterotopia: the re-use of alterity and authenticity in Molenpoort

The design and research developed in a Lexicon of bricolage definitions of Nijmegen, becoming a new way of recomposing an understandable language as a research product that could be shared but also interpreted by everyone. The research highlights the value of the context, related ...


In search for nomadic application of aluminium from urban mining in the design of a recycle learning center

The project site in Anderlecht, Belgium exists a fragmented urban fabric in terms of morphological evolution in the post-industrial period, functional mix of the urban plot, connection with the immediate urban grains and the ephemeral state of ownership of spaces around the site. ...

Social space

Seeking for communal places in Maastricht

This master thesis explores the notion of social space by searching for ways of how architectural elements can encourage social behavior in the public domain. Both spatial planning and architecture offer us places for encounters, freedom and creation. Architecture has therefore a ...

Daily Bread

An exploration of how we should deal with our primary needs: food, warmth and community

The project is situated in the neighbourhood of Bressoux in the post-industrial city Liege in Belgium. Bressoux felt at first as a deserted place. It gave the impression that only people live here because of financial necessity. The people with better jobs move away, the ones lef ...

Molenpoort, music and arts school

From pragmatism to sensitivity

Shopping Passage The Molenpoort in Nijmegen is an indoor shopping centre that in current times is struggling with decreasing visitor numbers and rapidly growing shop vacancies. The municipality of Nijmegen has plans to demolish the building completely, and create an outdoor -gene ...

Educational Institution For Textiles and Ceramics In Cureghem

In Search For The Border, The Interzone And The City

The project is set in a fragmented neighbourhood called Cureghem in the south-west of Brussels. The newspapers often portray the neighbourhood as poorly developed with low living standards. The project considers that spatial transformation is only acceptable if it responds to cur ...

The not ordinary academy

Architecture is more than design. Design is as precise in its outcome as it is obscure in its process, and it sheds fragile evidence

The studio topic Glaneur/Glaneuse refers to the old ‘profession’ of the gleaners, those people picking up the leftovers of the agricultural harvest and making out of these food for their families. Architects are called to be some kind of gleaners, too. In these past graduation m ...

the Beauty of Ordinary

Renovation of three industrial buildings in Anderlecht

The site of the project is in Anderlecht, Brussels. The design proposal including two parts: urban proposal and architectural proposal. For the urban renewal, I re-allocated the arrangement considering the programs, the new buildings groups follow their counterpart one by one, se ...


Rethinking work-live relations in a post-industrial neighbourhood

"Interwoven: Rethinking Work-Live Relations in a Post-Industrial Neighborhood" is a graduation project focused on the neighbourhood Bressoux in Liege, Belgium. This project aims to address the socio-economic challenges of a post-industrial city by reimagining the relationship bet ...

Infrastructure, perimeters, rooms

A sport hall in Anderlecht

The project developed as a continuous effort to define the idea of spolia. A term that surpasses the re-appropriation of material becoming an active approach to architecture becoming an attitude towards the city and the landscape in the consciousness that a deep relation is est ...

Pieced together

Residential care centre in Anderlecht

An urban architecture aims to redefine an environment through cross-scale design in which the public, collective and private realms are (re)shaped. It critically assesses and responds to urban sites by enhancing its qualities and addressing its shortcomings. New buildings should ...