E.I. Ronner


2 records found

Between City and Palace

The Palais des Beaux-Arts

Wondrous darkness

Mediating the real and the imaginative in rendering


18 records found

A Women's House for Droixhe

Exploring Human-Centric Architecture as a Catalyst for Social Connection, Urban Revitalization, and Women Empowerment

This project delves into the transformative potential of human-centric architecture as a catalyst for social connection, urban revitalization, and empowerment in the neighborhood of Droixhe in Liège, Belgium. Drawing inspiration from the collective Les Amis de L'Étang, comprising ...

The lost experience

A cultural centre in the industrial city of Liège

This graduation work serves as an academic documentation of my graduation project within the Urban architecture studio, black hill city. The project aims to investigate and implement architectural interventions to transform the urban structure of the Belgian city of Liége. By foc ...

Design with (addiction) Care

The role of the urban, architectural and human perspective in designing addiction care in Liège

‘Design with (addiction) Care’ is a reflection on the role of an architect within the humanization of addiction care, primarily the design of the typology of a hostel. It is deeply rooted in the studio theme of the scarred city, where both the vulnerable scarred urban tissue as w ...

Re:Generation Liège

Reimagining Local Building Culture as a Showcase for a Circular Generation of Architecture

In the ever-evolving world of architecture and construction, there is a growing recognition of the urgent need to embrace sustainable and circular practices. As the challenges of climate change and resource depletion become increasingly apparent, architects and designers have a u ...

Brutally Honest, on why should we save ugly buildings

Research and Design Project of adaptive reuse and socio-architectural rehabilitation of Atlas Tower in Liège, Belgium

Unappreciated by the public, and ambiguous with its history, Brutalism has its followers, among designers and architects yet it is still a stylistic outcast. La tour de Droixhe, the high-rise at hand, thus, is seen not only as heritage but also as a lonely giant towering over the ...

Intimate Urbanity of Rue du Moulin

Study on the fragmentation and the collective memory of Rue du Moulin

The street is perhaps the most prosaic of the city’s public realm, allowing us to view the very ordinary practices of life and livelihood – a space to move or pause, to meet friends, post a letter, to buy goods and is composed of an amalgamation of rooms along it. Due to the poss ...

Architecture as a language that can bridge cultures

On understanding the city through type, elements and systems

The goal of this research is to create a new understanding of the individuality of the city of Liége, by constructing a “logic of architecture”, a logic rooted in place, through a personal (dynamic) understanding of the site and its people & positioned within architectural theory ...


Contextualizing production with every day’s activities in a post-industrial city

Liège with its post-industrial identity has a long history as an important manufacturing center in Europe for steel making and coal mining. However, the segregation between production and the city, has made the industry detached from the urban condition and the everyday life. Tod ...

Re:/Dis:/Assembling Droixhe

Post-war Social Housing Urban Ground Transformation

The post-war architectural and urban design paradigm’s characteristic trait of spatial and functional determination limits the possibility for spatial adaptation and flexibility in urban spaces, struggling to face ever-steadily occurring social, economic, and climate challenges. ...

A Walk in Bressoux

Moving on 3 scales: from landscape to facade; from facade to interior; from room to room

Places with high densities of people are characterized by an urban infrastructure dependent on the economically efficient movement of people and matter. Moving from one place to another as quickly as possible. In the history of Liège, economic material transfers have led to socia ...

Spatial Choreography

Creating spaces for connection and a sense of home

The site of this year’s Urban Architecture graduation studio was the Friche Josaphat. This is a terrain vague of 24 hectares in the northeast of Brussels, in the neighbourhood of Schaerbeek. In the 1920’s a marshalling yard was built on the site, however when marshalling yards we ...

Places of Edification

Towards a new urban nature connection

This graduation projects aims to raise a discussion around the urgency of restoring connection between humans and nature, especially in our current day cities. Dealing with a post-industrial site in Brussels that turned into an accidental nature reserve, it tries to mediate betwe ...

Places of Edification

Towards a new urban nature connection

This graduation projects aims to raise a discussion around the urgency of restoring connection between humans and nature, especially in our current day cities. Dealing with a post-industrial site in Brussels that turned into an accidental nature reserve, it tries to mediate betwe ...

The Common Ground

Towards the City of Empathy

Cities have never belonged only to humans, non-humans have always been city dwellers, too. However, the ongoing urbanization and significant usage of natural resources have led to a major impact on climate change and species decay. In the world of the Anthropocene, it becomes ess ...

The Common Ground

Towards the City of Empathy

Cities have never belonged only to humans, non-humans have always been city dwellers, too. However, the ongoing urbanization and significant usage of natural resources have led to a major impact on climate change and species decay. In the world of the Anthropocene, it becomes ess ...

Being In Chaos

Negotiating an urban culture of nature

The studio theme of ‘Last Green in Town’ encouraged us to engage with La Friche Josaphat, an urban wasteland that has grown into a greenfield in the middle of the city. The lack of human engagement has allowed biodiversity to naturally take over the wasteland, creating a wilderne ...

Being In Chaos

Negotiating an urban culture of nature

The studio theme of ‘Last Green in Town’ encouraged us to engage with La Friche Josaphat, an urban wasteland that has grown into a greenfield in the middle of the city. The lack of human engagement has allowed biodiversity to naturally take over the wasteland, creating a wilderne ...
This year's urban architecture graduation studio proposes a site specific approach within the district of Bressoux, on the fringe of the city of Liège. Seeking for opportunities in the working class district, after the industry has left the stage, a courtyard on a corner is found ...