Liv/fe Transition

to a healthy agriculture sector with livestock as an integral part of life

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By 2050, South-Holland will transform into a transition based urbanity with value change at its core. Currently, consumers are disconnected from where their food is produced, leading to a high environmental impact, unhealthy choices and social injustice to the farmers’ work. The proposed strategy of change for the region would see South Holland shift away from being an export based business of livestock farming, lowering and limiting production to local needs, while changing the attitude of farming, and reshaping it as a spatial part of everyday life, freely accessible to the region’s citizens. In order to do that a strategy of transitions is chosen, recognizing three core spatial movements based on the three pillars of sustainability; diet transition, attitude transition and technical transition. Diet Transition - changes in food consumption would also affect the spatial landscape upon which food is produced. Attitude Transition - raising awareness toward how meat and dairy is produced would affect the cities where consumption takes place and how the different actors are treated. Technical Transition - would help change the Dutch industrial sites from an exporter of goods to an exporter of knowledge while supplying it with clean energy, creating a better South Holland while benefiting other countries. In the vision, it is recognized that these movements have spatial manifestations in the form of rings, with their points of overlap being ideal to the beginning of change, as they are where new sustainable relations would be most meaningful. These zones are where the transition of attitude, diet and technology will happen for the circular agriculture in South-Holland. A toolkit of 21 typologies is created with a focus on these transitions while keeping a pleasant environment. The new vision will lead to a circular economy in the livestock sector of South-Holland with sustainable relations between producers and consumers.
