
For more collaboration in the construction industry

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Bouwteam is a collaboration agreement in which the contracor is involved early on to work together with the client to make a design in which the knowledge of the client and the contractor is used optimally. Through the years the Bouwteam has been influenced by integrated contracts and has been changing in a variety of ways. Nowadays, there is not one standard way of using a Bouwteam anymore. In the last decade the Bouwteam has increased in popularity and is being used more and more. The Bouwteam is praised for its benefits regarding collaboration and the integrations of the design and constuction, stemming from the early involvement of the contractor. However, practice at Antea Group shows that reaching the benefits of a Bouwteam is not as easy as one would believe. Signing a Bouwteam agreement does not automatically lead to good collaboration or to project succes. More is needed, but what? This study will examine the question: How can the benefits of the Bouwteam be achieved in construction projects?