Source-receiver Marchenko redatuming on field data using an adaptive double-focusing method
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We have developed an adaptive double-focusing method that is specifically designed for the field-data application of source-receiver Marchenko redatuming. Typically, the single-focusing Marchenko method is combined with a multidimensional deconvolution (MDD) to achieve redatuming. Our method replaces the MDD step by a second focusing step that naturally complements the single-focusing Marchenko method. Instead of performing the MDD method with the directionally decomposed Green's functions that result from single-focusing, we now use the retrieved upgoing Green's function and the retrieved downgoing focusing function to obtain a redatumed reflection response in the physical medium. Consequently, we only remove the strongest overburden effects instead of removing all of the overburden effects. However, the gain is a robust method that is less sensitive to imperfections in the data and a sparse acquisition geometry than the MDD method. In addition, it is computationally much cheaper, more straightforward to implement, and it can be parallelized over pairs of focal points, which makes it suitable for application to large data volumes. We evaluate the successful application of our method to 2D field data of the Santos Basin.