
13 records found

Suppression of surface-related and internal multiples is an outstanding challenge in seismic data processing. The former is particularly difficult in shallow water, whereas the latter is problematic for targets buried under complex, highly scattering overburdens. We have develope ...
Geophysicists have widely used least-squares reverse-time migration (LSRTM) to obtain high-resolution images of the subsurface. However, LSRTM is computationally expensive and it can suffer from multiple reflections. Recently, a target-oriented approach to LSRTM has been proposed ...

3D Marchenko applications

Implementation and examples

We implement the 3D Marchenko equations to retrieve responses to virtual sources inside the subsurface. For this, we require reflection data at the surface of the Earth that contain no free-surface multiples and are densely sampled in space. The required 3D reflection data volume ...
We have compared three data-driven internal multiple reflection elimination schemes derived from the Marchenko equations and inverse scattering series (ISS). The two schemes derived from Marchenko equations are similar but use different truncation operators. The first scheme crea ...

Virtual Sources and Receivers in the Real Earth

Considerations for Practical Applications

To enhance monitoring of the subsurface, virtual sources and receivers inside the subsurface can be created from seismic reflection data at the surface of the Earth using the Marchenko method. The response between these virtual sources and receivers can be obtained through the us ...


Unified 1D inversion of the acoustic reflection response

Acoustic inversion in one-dimension gives impedance as a function of travel time. Inverting the reflection response is a linear problem. Recursive methods, from top to bottom or vice versa, are known and use a fundamental wave field that is computed from the reflection response. ...

Internal multiple elimination

Can we trust an acoustic approximation?

Correct handling of strong elastic, internal, multiples remains a challenge for seismic imaging. Methods aimed at eliminating them are currently limited by monotonicity violations, a lack of a-priori knowledge about mode conversions, or unavailability of multi-component sources a ...

A tour of Marchenko redatuming

Focusing the subsurface wavefield

Marchenko redatuming can retrieve the impulse response to a subsurface virtual source from the single-sided surface reflection data with limited knowledge of the medium. We illustrate the concepts and practical aspects of Marchenko redatuming on a simple 1D acoustic lossless medi ...

Beyond Marchenko

Obtaining virtual receivers and virtual sources in the subsurface

By solving the Marchenko equations, the Green’s function can be retrieved between a virtual receiver in the subsurface to points at the surface (no physical receiver is required at the virtual location). We extend the idea of these equations to retrieve the Green’s function betwe ...

High-resolution reservoir characterization by 2-D model-driven seismic Bayesian inversion

An example from a Tertiary deltaic clinoform system in the North Sea

In order to retrieve a high-resolution reservoir model from seismic and well data, an approach was developed based on an a priori layered model from well data, specifically the acoustic impedances derived from the sonic and density logs. The procedure consists of using a forward ...

High-resolution reservoir characterization by 2-D model-driven seismic Bayesian inversion

An example from a Tertiary deltaic clinoform system in the North Sea

In order to retrieve a high-resolution reservoir model from seismic and well data, an approach was developed based on an a priori layered model from well data, specifically the acoustic impedances derived from the sonic and density logs. The procedure consists of using a forward ...

Seismic interferometry

Reconstructing the earth's reflection response

In 1968, Jon Claerbout showed that the reflection response of a 1D acoustic medium can be reconstructed by autocorrelating the transmission response. Since then, several authors have derived relationships for reconstructing Green's functions at the surface, using crosscorrelation ...

Seismic interferometry

Reconstructing the earth's reflection response

In 1968, Jon Claerbout showed that the reflection response of a 1D acoustic medium can be reconstructed by autocorrelating the transmission response. Since then, several authors have derived relationships for reconstructing Green's functions at the surface, using crosscorrelation ...


7 records found

Redatuming and Quantifying Attenuation from Reflection Data Using the Marchenko Equation

A Novel Approach to Quantify Q-factor and Seismic Upscaling

Marchenko Imaging is a new technology in geophysics which enables to retrieve Green's functions at any point in the subsurface having only reflection data. This method is based on the extension of the 1D Gelfand-Levitan-Marchenko equation to a 3D medium. One of the assumptions of ...

A seismic vibrator driven by linear synchronous motors

Developing a prototype vibrator, investigating the vibrator-ground contact and exploring robust signal design

The seismic method is an important indirect method to investigate the subsurface of the earth. By analyzing how the earth affects the propagation of mechanical waves, the structure of the earth and its seismic properties can be inferred. The seismic vibrator is the most commonly ...

Controlled-source seismic reflection interferometry

Virtual-source retrieval, survey infill and identification of surface multiples

The theory of seismic interferometry predicts that the cross-correlation (and possibly summation) between seismic recordings at two separate receivers allows the retrieval of an estimate of the inter-receiver response, or Green's function, from a virtual source at one of the rece ...

Elastodynamic Marchenko inverse scattering

A multiple-elimination strategy for imaging of elastodynamic seismic reflection data

The Marchenko method offers a new perspective on eliminating internal multiples. Instead of predicting internal multiples based on events, the Marchenko method formulates an inverse problem that is solved for an inverse transmission response. This approach is particularly advanta ...
Monitoring the properties of a CO2 storage reservoir is important for two main reasons: firstly, to verify that the injected CO2 is safely contained in the reservoir rock as planned, and secondly, to provide data which can be used to update the existing reservoir models and suppo ...

Time-lapse monitoring with virtual seismology

Applications of the Marchenko method for observing time-lapse changes in subsurface reservoirs

Monitoring time-lapse changes inside the subsurface is of great significance to many geotechnical applications, such as storage of gasses in underground geological formations. Minute differences in the seismic wavefield between an initial baseline and a subsequent monitor survey ...

Coupled poroelastic waves and electromagnetic fields in layered media

Theory, Modeling, and Interferometric Synthesis

In this thesis, I study coupled poroelastic waves and electromagnetic fields in layered media. The focus is two-fold: 1. Increase the theoretical and physical understanding of the seismo-electromagnetic phenomenon by analytically-based numerical modeling. 2. Investigate the poten ...