Piping in sandy tidal deposits

Design of field experiments on piping through sandy tidal deposits in the Hertogin Hedwigepolder

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In the Netherlands dikes are assessed on piping using the model developed by Sellmeijer. This model is calibrated on experiments with permeable, homogeneous, fluvial sand with no fines and covered by an impermeable cohesive layer. In tidal areas, however, the sand deposits are strongly heterogenous, contain fines and are influenced by biochemical effects. It is therefore expected that the Sellmeijer model overpredicts the piping vulnerability of tidal sands. This thesis is aimed to improve the piping assessment of levees situated on tidal sediments. A large-scale experiment on piping in the Hedwigepolder on tidal sediments is planned by Deltares, Fugro and Waterschap Hollandse Delta for 2021. A design of this experiment is made, substantiated by findings from literature and the modelling and analysis of small-scale experiments on tidal sands.