Designing a passive dynamic SLS-3D printable ankle-foot orthosis

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An ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) is a medical aid that helps individuals with deficient walking patterns achieve a more natural gait. There are various types of AFOs prescribed for different reasons. This thesis specifically focuses on passive dynamic ankle-foot orthoses (PD-AFOs) and even within that branch a very specific type: the carbon dorsal leaf spring orthosis. This type of AFO leverages the body’s biomechanics and gravitational forces to store and release energy at precise phases of the gait pattern, helping to restore some of the ankle function. Furthermore, they address the issue of excessive plantar flexion during the swing phase of gait, which can result in foot drop or an undesirable foot-slamming motion.

To ensure optimal fit and functionality, these orthoses are custom-made to provide the best fit for the lower leg and foot of each individual. Currently, the manufacturing process for these orthoses involves labour-intensive carbon composite layering techniques, which require significant effort and expertise.

An alternative AFO concept was designed, which aims to replicate the behaviour of existing carbon dorsal leaf spring orthoses using SLS-3D printing. This direction was explored as additive manufacturing excels in one-off production and eliminates the need for manual labour, offering cost-effective and efficient production of personalized items. This case is therefore carried out for the companies Parts on Demand, a selective laser sintering (SLS) 3D-printing company, and Livit Ottobock Care, an orthopedics company, to further investigate the feasibility of such an orthosis.

This study involved multiple design iterations, primarily focused on the stiffness behaviour of the AFO to create a novel SLS printable design that exhibits similar stiffness characteristics and gait influence compared to the existing carbon dorsal leaf spring AFOs produced by Livit Ottobock Care, whilst maintaining comparable weight and cost.

A model was created to parametrically refine SLS printable AFOs based on scanned lower leg and foot data for repeatable results using different feet. Subsequently, prototypes were fabricated using this model to validate the quantitative stiffness behaviour and qualitative correction of user gait resulting in an orthosis with a comparable function to the baseline carbon dorsal leaf spring orthosis.

Initial results seem promising for the feasibility of SLS printing PD-AFOs, but requires further validation, as many aspects related to their longevity were excluded from this study. These factors include its fracture resistance over longer periods of time, whether stiffness fatigue will occur, or how the AFO will behave mediolaterally. Nonetheless, producing an SLS-printed orthosis can provide benefits in the long run which for example include not only customized and well-fitting orthoses but also tailored stiffness characteristics for each individual, enhancing the function of the ankle and foot during walking. However, it is important to note that research in this area is currently insufficient.