Computational Fluid Dynamics of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine using OpenFOAM

Validation against numerical and experimental results of a fully nonlinear Navier-Stokes/Volume-of-fluid numerical wave tank for the simulation of fluid-structure interaction of a floating offshore wind turbine

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Floating Offshore Wind Energy represents an enormous potential for the future of wind energy and will play a pivotal role in the global energy transition. However, important technical challenges still need to be overcome by the industry regarding the standardization of processes like transportation, floating substructure concept, and supply chain optimization. To successfully achieve these milestones, FOWTs must be accurately modeled to minimize uncertainties to ultimately attract investors and capital in the industry. This thesis has the objective of developing and validating a high-fidelity model for the hydrodynamics of FOWTs with the ultimate goal of creating reliable results to be used as a benchmark for faster mid-fidelity software mostly used in the offshore industry.

The model expanded throughout this thesis is developed in OpenFOAM C++ framework. The whole numerical model is built upon three main pillars: Waves2Foam used for the generation of relaxation zones in the numerical wave tank for wave-current generation and absorption; MoorDyn/Moody numerical tools employed for the mooring lines spatial discretization for the station keeping of the floating platform; InterFoam applied as the main OpenFOAM solver for the multi-phase solution which, in combination with a mesh morphing technique and a rigid body solver, is capable of deforming the mesh to accommodate the 6DOF motions of the platform.

A sequential approach has been undertaken. The first step involves the simulation of second-order Stokes wave propagation in an infinite 2D wave tank, followed by a sensitivity study with an associated uncertainty quantification. The next step involves conducting 3D simulations of a floating box, comparing motion and forces under different mooring models: dynamic FEM, dynamic lumped mass, and quasi-static catenary. In the last step, the results and lessons learned from the previous studies are combined for coupled hydrodynamic/aerodynamic simulations of the OC4 DeepCwind semi-submersible floater with the 5MW NREL offshore wind turbine. Forces, displacements, and tensions are extrapolated and compared with experimental and numerical results, validating the model's accuracy.

Simulated across diverse wind and wave conditions, the OpenFOAM model demonstrated remarkable robustness and excellent ability to achieve convergence even under challenging environmental conditions, while maintaining a high level of result accuracy. The framework effectively reproduced the hydrodynamic behavior of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine (FOWT), establishing itself as a dependable and reliable tool for conducting future high-fidelity FOWT simulations.