Transformative Resilience

A Study of Derivative Form of Resilience in Informal Settlement (Case Study: Bukit Duri, Jakarta)

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The exposure of flooding has been existed in several Global South countries, not particularly in Indonesia. The community which has been living in vulnerable location encounters the magnitude of flooding through times with a difficult and complicated situation to encounter the devastating impact of the disaster. Many policies and actions from the government have tried to solve the issues, yet the outcomes are still improperly touching the root of problems. Lack of dialogue between authority and inhabitants has resulted in a clash of rationalities which then destructs the process of policy implementation.
The primary objective of the research is to set various pattern of intervention which can be implemented in informal settlement as a part of constructing resilience and sustainable system in the neighborhood. Based on that objectives, several observations and analysis were made to identify the local properties that could contribute to the improvement of spatial, economic, and social quality. The flooding as the central issues in this project is also analyzed through layer mapping and analytical review, including identification of stakeholder and flood-risk governance that exist in the system. The framework of resilience which includes engineering resilience, ecological resilience and social resilience is being a reference to determine the value of existing properties which importantly contributed to the performance of resilience-sustainability system.
Zoned-defined intervention as the design hypothesis is proposed as the statement of solution which tries to manage diverse problems on the site. Due to the complexity and variety of the problems, categorization of problems is made
to determine the most important properties in the neighborhood which still needs improvement.
The products of this research compile several layers of solution which includes policy recommendations, design framework, pattern of designs and test case (pilot project) intervention. The framework of flood-risk governance asses all the intervention and design proposal which then contributes to the improvement of resilience value.
In the end, this research will be an input for the local stakeholders, both the authority and grassroots actors, to develop the quality of livelihood in the context towards a more resilience and sustainable neighborhood. Considering
the complexity of the subject, further research on multiple dimension is necessary before practically implementing the solution.