Factors for the success of upcoming more sustainable hydrogen production technologies for use in refineries in the Netherlands

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The incumbent dominant design for hydrogen production used in refineries in the Netherlands is producing grey hydrogen using steam methane reforming with CO2 as byproduct. Therefore, the current incumbent hydrogen production technology used in refineries in the Netherlands is unsustainable. However, it is still unclear which hydrogen production technology will become the new dominant design during the transition to a sustainable hydrogen feedstock for refineries in the Netherlands. The research objective of this study is to assess which factors influence the success of the competing hydrogen production technologies during the transition to more a sustainable hydrogen feedstock for refineries in the Netherlands and find out which technology is most likely to become the new dominant design. The hydrogen production technologies within the scope of the research are steam methane reforming (SMR) of natural gas (grey hydrogen), SMR with carbon capture and storage (CCS) (blue hydrogen) and electrolysis of water using renewable electricity (green hydrogen).