Dash 07, The Eco House / Het ecohuis

Typologies of Space, Production and Lifestyles

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DASH goes in search of the ideal eco house: from solar houses to Superuse, from Cradle-to-Cradle to support-infill systems and precise prefab-technology. This issue of DASH examines the history and the future of the sustainable home. This includes attention to families of typologies (passive solar energy, semi-climate and ventilation) and material-use concepts. Essays by Daniel A. Barber, Machiel van Dorst, Jacques Vink, and Piet Vollaard provide not only a critical analysis of the current state of affairs, but also an inspirational exploration of possibilities for the future. Drop City pioneer Steve Baer looks back on the construction of his Zome House and Jean-Philippe Vassal talks about his vision on architecture and sustainability. With extensive documentation of trendsetting homes by such architects as Frank Lloyd Wright, Ralph Erskine, Frei Otto, Lacaton & Vassal, Carlos Weeber, DAAD Architecten and 2012Architecten.