Reduced Navigation Data

Optimizing the Galileo I/NAV Navigation Message for a Fast First Fix

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This research focuses on GNSS users interested in a faster position fix in a situation where the receiver holds limited data. This occurs when turning on a mobile phone or sport watch to use a location-based service, driving out of a parking garage with a navigational device or activating a search & rescue beacon. In these cases, users care more about directly setting a certain action into motion, than waiting until a sub-meter level of accuracy is acquired. For this purpose, we aim to decrease the time to first fix (TTFF) of a receiver at the expense of position accuracy by focusing on its most dominant component: the time to read the first fix data, i.e. the TTFFD. In turn, the TTFFD is decreased by reducing the size of the clock correction and ephemeris data (CED) and integrating this reduced set into the existing Galileo I/NAV message while maintaining backward compatibility. Three reduction strategies are presented to reduce the size of the CED. First, the expression of the CED parameters relative to the matching almanac parameters, which requires downloading the most recent almanac. Second, the absorption of the clock and ephemeris time reference into related parameters by leveraging redundancies in the user algorithm. Third, the truncation of the CED parameters, where the optimal parameter bit allocation per CED size is determined by means of a Monte Carlo simulation. Subsequently, the optimal reduced set is integrated in the existing Galileo I/NAV message, since it is not only size but also the location and repetition rate of the reduced CED in the navigation message that determine the final decrease in TTFFD. A simulation is developed where the three reduction strategies are combined and applied to one year of Galileo navigation messages and almanacs starting from October 2017. The current I/NAV message has a size of 428 bits and an average TTFFD of 25.4 seconds. The relative expression of the CED parameters, the absorption of the clock time reference and ephemeris time reference yield a 76, 15 and 10 bit reduction respectively, without a significant decrease in position accuracy expressed as the signal-in-space ranging error (SISRE). The reduction in size that can be realized by truncation results from a trade-off with the maximum acceptable level of SISRE. When combining all three reduction strategies a 296 bit, i.e. 69%, size reduction can be realized at a SISRE level of 10.04 meters, yielding a 132 bit CED. 66% of the size reduction is in this case achieved by parameter truncation. To maintain backward compatibility, the spare and reserved bits of the I/NAV message are used to integrate the reduced set. This finally results in an average TTFFD of 6 seconds, which is a decrease of almost 20 seconds. With the reduced CED the user gains full independence of out-of-band channels for the computation of a fast position fix. In addition, it decreases the impact of bit errors on the TTFF and increases the chance of receiving an error free set of first fix data. Moreover, the reduced CED is not only of interest to fast fix applications that desire a decrease in waiting time. Positioning based on the reduced set also decreases the time the receiver has to be "on" to read the navigation data and consequently the receiver's power usage. This leads to a second type of applications that benefits from the reduced CED: low-power applications that do not require a high accuracy, such as freight management, wildlife tracking and stolen goods trackers. To conclude, the constructed reduced CED provides multiple advantages for a wide range of GNSS users and should therefore be considered as a purpose for the spare and reserved bits of the Galileo I/NAV message.