
8 records found

Comparing gravity-based to seismic-derived lithosphere densities

A case study of the British Isles and surrounding areas

Lithospheric density structure can be constructed from seismic tomography, gravity modelling, or using both data sets. The different approaches have their own uncertainties and limitations. This study aims to characterize and quantify some of the uncertainties in gravity modellin ...

MIS 5e relative sea-level changes in the Mediterranean Sea

Contribution of isostatic disequilibrium

Sea-level indicators dated to the Last Interglacial, or Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e, have a twofold value. First, they can be used to constrain the melting of Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets in response to global warming scenarios. Second, they can be used to calculate the v ...

Crevasse Propagation on Brittle Ice

Application to Cycloids on Europa

Existing lineaments on the surface of the Jovian moon Europa are thought to be the result of ongoing brittle crack formation in the elastic regime. Arcuate features are called cycloids and can be modeled using linear elastic fracture mechanics. Here, we build on existing terrestr ...

Global dynamics of the earth

Applications of viscoelastic relaxation theory to solid-earth and planetary geophysics: Second edition

This volume opens up new perspectives on the physics of the Earth’s interior and planetary bodies for graduate students and researchers working in the fields of geophysics, planetary sciences and geodesy. It looks at our planet in an integrated fashion, linking the physics of its ...

Dutch Dynamics

Subsiding lands, rising seas, and the defining role of geodesy

Rising sea levels and subsiding lands challenge long-term infrastructure development. But do we know these phenomena well enough? Linking pin between science and delta planning is the national deformation map, developed at Delft University. Ramon Hanssen, Roland Klees and Bert Ve ...

Dutch Dynamics

Subsiding lands, rising seas, and the defining role of geodesy

Rising sea levels and subsiding lands challenge long-term infrastructure development. But do we know these phenomena well enough? Linking pin between science and delta planning is the national deformation map, developed at Delft University. Ramon Hanssen, Roland Klees and Bert Ve ...

Dutch Dynamics

Subsiding lands, rising seas, and the defining role of geodesy

Rising sea levels and subsiding lands challenge long-term infrastructure development. But do we know these phenomena well enough? Linking pin between science and delta planning is the national deformation map, developed at Delft University. Ramon Hanssen, Roland Klees and Bert Ve ...
Satellite images and recent Earth-based observations of the innermost of the Galilean moons reveal a conspicuous pattern of volcanic hotspots and paterae on its surface. This pattern is associated with the heat flux originating from tidal dissipation in Io’s mantle and asthenosph ...


12 records found

Interplanetary missions have relied on Radio Science (RS) for recovering gravity fields via detecting their signature on the spacecraft’s trajectory. Yet the weak gravitational fields of small bodies, coupled with the prominent influence of confounding accelerations, hinder the e ...

Reduced Navigation Data

Optimizing the Galileo I/NAV Navigation Message for a Fast First Fix

This research focuses on GNSS users interested in a faster position fix in a situation where the receiver holds limited data. This occurs when turning on a mobile phone or sport watch to use a location-based service, driving out of a parking garage with a navigational device or a ...
Space debris and micrometeoroids are abundant around our home planet and offer both an opportunity of research for scientists and a threat to human’s endeavours in space. Impacts with even the smallest particles can happen at such high velocities that they can damage or destroy a ...

Analysis of historical polarization data of Venus

And its application to exoplanets

Aims: Analysing historical disk-integrated polarization data of Venus with the help of numerical simulations to learn about the time variability in cloud and haze properties, the position of the UV-absorber and the polar cap regions. Method: With numerical simulations, polarizati ...
This thesis work has been motivated by the growing interest in small-spacecraft small-body missions and more specifically inspired by a proposed mission to the largest Martian Trojan (5261) Eureka. This binary asteroid represents a promising target for a planetary mission, as a b ...
In the last fifty years, the spacemissions Voyager, Galileo, Cassini-Huygens and Juno explored the moons of the outer Solar System and revealed a wide spectrum of worlds. While some of these worlds are barren, others are among the most geologically active of the Solar System. The ...

Rotational Dynamics of Icy Satellites

Tidal response and forced longitudinal librations at the surface of a viscoelastic Europa

The icy satellites of the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn are among the most interesting celestial bodies in our Solar System. The interpretation of various remote sensing observations performed by the Voyager, Galileo and Cassini-Huygens missions strongly suggests that many icy ...
As a result of climate change, sea level is changing all over the world at unprecedented rates. Sea-level change can have significant impacts on coastal communities, infrastructure and global economy, as most of the major cities are located near to or at the coast. Rising sea lev ...
The thesis that you are about to read deals with the implementation of a technique to study atmospheres of planets or moons in the Solar System. We use radio telescopes on Earth to track spacecraft that are orbiting planets, and use the signal the spacecraft emits, as it crosses ...

Toward a better Understanding of Europa Crevasses

Application of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics to Europa

Europa is one of the most interesting celestial world that has been ever observed. The habitability condition, met for the liquid water layer covering the moon, yields to astonishing speculations concerning what might exist in the interior of the tiniest moon of Jupiter. The Voya ...

Straight line propagation in radio occultation measurements at Mars

A feasibility study for an alternative calculation of refractivity profiles

Since the first radio occultation measurements were performed to study planetary atmospheres, the calculations returning refractivity profiles always adopted the so-called "spherical symmetry assumption". This hypothesis imposes a null horizontal gradient of the atmospheric param ...

Are the Moons of Jupiter Unique?

Thermochemical Disk Modeling of Moon Formation

The practice of astronomy is in many ways an intrinsically introspective endeavour. A significant fraction of astronomical motivation is derived from the desire to understand whether a habitable planet such as the Earth is a unique object, and, by extension, whether the inhabitan ...