L.L.A. Vermeersen
7 records found
Natural satellites ephemerides
The Galilean moons' dynamics in the JUICE-Europa Clipper era
Since Galileo Galilei’s first discovery of natural satellites orbiting around other planets, observing and reconstructing their dynamics has been at the core of our efforts to understand and characterise these distant worlds. Far from following perfect, frozen in time Keplerian o
Detection of Low Velocity Space Debris and Micrometeoroid Impacts
An Experimental Investigation
Space debris and micrometeoroids are abundant around our home planet and offer both an opportunity of research for scientists and a threat to human’s endeavours in space. Impacts with even the smallest particles can happen at such high velocities that they can damage or destroy a
Straight line propagation in radio occultation measurements at Mars
A feasibility study for an alternative calculation of refractivity profiles
Since the first radio occultation measurements were performed to study planetary atmospheres, the calculations returning refractivity profiles always adopted the so-called "spherical symmetry assumption". This hypothesis imposes a null horizontal gradient of the atmospheric param
Jupiter is the most visited outer solar system planet, but the exact variation in atmospheric properties along its disk remains largely a mystery. This is where polarimetry fits into the picture. Its added value to spectrometry by additionally measuring the polarisation degree an
This thesis' work aims to evaluate the potential added benefit to spacecraft orbit determination procedures upon using non-conventional measurements for orbit reconstruction. As a spacecraft orbits a celestial body, its ground tracks will naturally cross previous ground tracks at
Toward a better Understanding of Europa Crevasses
Application of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics to Europa
Europa is one of the most interesting celestial world that has been ever observed. The habitability condition, met for the liquid water layer covering the moon, yields to astonishing speculations concerning what might exist in the interior of the tiniest moon of Jupiter. The Voya
Sometime late in the fall of 2007, the NetLander mission will land four probes on the surface of Mars containing geodetic and seismic experiments, thereby establishing the first network of geophysics stations on the surface of a terrestrial body other than our own Earth. This mis