B.C. Root

21 records found

NASA’s InSight mission has brought new information about the Martian lithosphere (Banerdt et al. 2020), which warrants a re-analysis of the support of the crustal and sub-crustal masses. Furthermore, the discovery of a possible mantle plume underneath the region south of Elysium ...
With the increasing interest in the Solar System's smaller bodies, quite a few missions have been sent to comets and asteroids, and more will be send in the near future. Due to the large distances involved, communication to command mission parameters takes a long time, which has ...
In the past few decades, Mars-oriented orbiters and landers have allowed to unravel valuable knowledge about Mars’ surface and interior. With the InSight mission, seismic waves have indicated the presence of more frequent Marsquakes than assumed before the mission (Banerdt et al. ...
Significant land uplift and horizontal motions have been recorded with Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in areas such as Alaska, Iceland and the Northern Antarctic Peninsula (NAP) as a result of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) due to ice melt after the Little Ice Age ...
The aim of this paper is to present the concept of a dedicated gravity field mission for the planet Mars, the Mars Quantum Gravity Mission (MaQuIs). The mission is targeted at improving the data on the gravitational field of Mars, enabling studies on planetary dynamics, seasonal ...
Several alternative gravity forward modelling methodologies and associated numerical codes with their own advantages and limitations are available for the solid Earth community. With upcoming state-of-the-art lithosphere density models and accurate global gravity field data sets, ...
Current seismic tomography models show a complex environment underneath the crust, corroborated by high-precision satellite gravity observations. Both data sets are used to independently explore the density structure of the upper mantle. However, combining these two data sets pro ...
Despite the ongoing advancements in low-thrust propulsion technology and the rise of all-electric satellite platforms, low-thrust spacecraft trajectory optimization remains a complex field of research. Shape-based approximations are predominant in interplanetary applications, but ...
The long‐wavelength negative gravity anomaly over Hudson Bay coincides with the area depressed by the Laurentide Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum, suggesting that it is, at least partly, caused by glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA). Additional contributions to the static ...
The Barents Sea is situated on a continental margin and was home to a large ice sheet at the Last Glacial Maximum. Studying the solid Earth response to the removal of this ice sheet (glacial isostatic adjustment; GIA) can give insight into the subsurface rheology of this region. ...
Next-generation planetary tracking methods, such as interplanetary laser ranging (ILR) and same-beam interferometry (SBI) promise an orders-of-magnitude increase in the accuracy of measurements of solar system dynamics. Th ...
In the last decade, the gravity field of the Earth has been observed with increased coverage due to dedicated satellite missions, which resulted in higher resolution and more accurate global gravity field models than were previously available. These models make it possible to stu ...

Comparing gravity-based to seismic-derived lithosphere densities

A case study of the British Isles and surrounding areas

Lithospheric density structure can be constructed from seismic tomography, gravity modelling, or using both data sets. The different approaches have their own uncertainties and limitations. This study aims to characterize and quantify some of the uncertainties in gravity modellin ...
The mass sources that are responsible for the longwavelength gravity field of the Earth are not yet fully understood. The biggest candidate to describe these anomalies is mantle convection, yet models that can explain the mantle convection and the gravity field are not available. ...
This article reviews a spectral forward gravity field modelling method that was initially designed for topographic/isostatic mass reduction of gravity data. The method transforms 3D spherical density models into gravitational potential fields using a spherical harmonic representa ...
In November 1934, Den Helder, The Netherlands, the start of a remarkable voyage commenced. The Hr. Ms.K-XVIII, a Dutch submarine, was about to set sail to Soerabaya, Indonesia. Onboard was a Dutch professor, Felix Andries Vening Meinesz. He was able to measure the Earth’s gravity ...