M. Rovira Navarro
13 records found
Body tides reveal information about planetary interiors and affect their evolution. Most models to compute body tides rely on the assumption of a spherically symmetric interior. However, several processes can lead to lateral variations of interior properties. We present a new spe
Io exhibits widespread volcanism powered by tides raised by Jupiter. The distribution of volcanoes offers a window into the interior of the moon. The distribution shows more volcanism at the equator as well as peak volcanic output which is shifted by roughly 30-60 degrees to the
Tidally heated exomoons around Ïμ Eridani b
Observability and prospects for characterization
Context. Exomoons are expected to orbit gas giant exoplanets just as moons orbit Solar System planets. Tidal heating is present in Solar System satellites, and it can heat up their interior, depending on their orbital and interior properties. Aims. We aim to identify a tidally he
The inferred density of Enceladus' core, together with evidence of hydrothermal activity within the moon, suggests that the core is porous. Tidal dissipation in an unconsolidated core has been proposed as the main source of Enceladus' geological activity. However, the tidal respo
Tidal Dynamics of Moons with Fluid Layers
From Ice to Lava Worlds
In the last fifty years, the spacemissions Voyager, Galileo, Cassini-Huygens and Juno explored the moons of the outer Solar System and revealed a wide spectrum of worlds. While some of these worlds are barren, others are among the most geologically active of the Solar System. The
Enceladus, with its subsurface ocean, is amongst the top priority targets in the search for life beyond Earth. Following on discoveries from the Cassini mission that Enceladus possesses a global subsurface ocean containing salt and organic compounds, there are many unconstrained
Thousands of exoplanets have been discovered; however, the detection of exomoons remains elusive. Tidally heated exomoons have been proposed as candidate targets for observation; vigorous tidal dissipation can raise the moon's surface temperature, making direct imaging possible,
Tidal heating can play an important role in the formation and evolution of subsurface oceans of outer-planet moons. Up until now tidal heating has only been studied in subsurface oceans of spatially uniform thickness. We develop a numerical model to consider oceans of spatially v
The Barents Sea is situated on a continental margin and was home to a large ice sheet at the Last Glacial Maximum. Studying the solid Earth response to the removal of this ice sheet (glacial isostatic adjustment; GIA) can give insight into the subsurface rheology of this region.
A growing number of satellites in the outer solar system likely have global oceans beneath their outer icy shells. While the presence of liquid water makes these ocean worlds compelling astrobiological targets, the exchange of heat and materials between the deep interior and the
Some of the moons of the outer solar system harbour subsurface liquid oceans. Tidal dissipation plays an important role in preventing these oceans from freezing. In the past, most studies considered only tidal dissipation in the solid layers of these bodies (rock and ice). Recent
The marine portion of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) in the Amundsen Sea Embayment (ASE) accounts for one-fourth of the cryospheric contribution to global sea-level rise and is vulnerable to catastrophic collapse. The bedrock response to ice mass loss, glacial isostatic adju
Recent studies have found a positive trend in the time variable gravity field measured by the Gravity Recovery Experiment (GRACE) in the Barents-Kara Sea region. The Barents Sea signal can be explained as result of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA). This signal may have originat