L.L.A. Vermeersen
143 records found
Holocene sea-level history from the southern Bohai Sea coast, China
Far-field GIA processes and an associated mid-Holocene sea-level highstand
The Bohai Sea, located in the innermost part of the East Asian marginal seas, is of particular interest in the studies of relative sea level (RSL) and glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) due to its apparent far-field position. This study analyzed six cores and one pre-existing arc
We present an overview of the operations and engineering interface for Planetary Radio Interferometry and Doppler Experiment (PRIDE) radio astronomy observations as a scientific component of the ESA’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) mission, as well as other prospective planet
Planetary Radio Interferometry and Doppler Experiment (PRIDE) is a multi-purpose experimental technique aimed at enhancing the science return of planetary missions. The technique exploits the science payload and spacecraft service systems without requiring a dedicated onboard ins
Long-term monitoring of global mass transport within the Earth system improves our ability to mitigate natural hazards and better understand their relations to climate change. Satellite gravity is widely used to monitor surface mass variations for its unprecedented spatial and te
In this study, we focus on improved constraint of the glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) signal at present-day, and its role as a contributor to present-day sea level budgets. The main study area extends from the coastal regions of northwestern Europe to northern Europe. Both Hol
Tidal heating can play an important role in the formation and evolution of subsurface oceans of outer-planet moons. Up until now tidal heating has only been studied in subsurface oceans of spatially uniform thickness. We develop a numerical model to consider oceans of spatially v
Changes in ocean properties and circulation lead to a spatially non-uniform pattern of ocean dynamic sea-level change (DSLC). The projections of ocean dynamic sea level presented in the IPCC AR5 were constructed with global climate models (GCMs) from the Coupled Model Intercompar
A growing number of satellites in the outer solar system likely have global oceans beneath their outer icy shells. While the presence of liquid water makes these ocean worlds compelling astrobiological targets, the exchange of heat and materials between the deep interior and the
Tidal dissipation makes Jupiter's moon Io the most volcanically active body in the solar system. Most of the heat generated in the interior is lost through volcanic activity. In this study, we aim to answer the questions: Can convection and melt migration in the mantle explain th
Satellite and recent Earth-based observations of Io's surface reveal a specific spatial pattern of persisting hotspots and sudden high-intensity events. Io's major heat producing mechanism is tidal dissipation, which is thought to be non-uniformly distributed within Io's mantle a
Planetary Radio Interferometry and Doppler Experiment (PRIDE) will exploit the signal recording and processing technology developed originally for Very Lonag Baseline interferometric (VLBI). The essence of PRIDE is in observing the spacecraft radio signal with a network of Earth-
Some of the moons of the outer solar system harbour subsurface liquid oceans. Tidal dissipation plays an important role in preventing these oceans from freezing. In the past, most studies considered only tidal dissipation in the solid layers of these bodies (rock and ice). Recent
In past studies, the reorientation or true polar wander (TPW) of visco-elastic bodies has been studied with approximated solutions. Two types of methods are commonly adopted: those based on the quasi-fluid approximation e.g. Ricard et al., 1993 and those based on the fluid limit
Crevasse Propagation on Brittle Ice
Application to Cycloids on Europa
Existing lineaments on the surface of the Jovian moon Europa are thought to be the result of ongoing brittle crack formation in the elastic regime. Arcuate features are called cycloids and can be modeled using linear elastic fracture mechanics. Here, we build on existing terrestr
Undergoing extreme tidal dissipation, Io serves as an archetype of tidally heated rocky exoplanets and exomoons. Therefore, understanding Io’s dissipative processes and their interactions with Io's interior provides insights into the evolution of these tidally heated bodies. Tida
Planetary Radio Interferometry and Doppler Experiment (PRIDE) is a multi-purpose experimental technique aimed at enhancing the science return of planetary missions. It is based on, the near-field phase-referencing VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) and radial Doppler measur
Rising sea levels due to climate change can have severe consequences for coastal populations and ecosystems all around the world. Understanding and projecting sea-level rise is especially important for low-lying countries such as the Netherlands. It is of specific interest for vu
MIS 5e relative sea-level changes in the Mediterranean Sea
Contribution of isostatic disequilibrium
Sea-level indicators dated to the Last Interglacial, or Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e, have a twofold value. First, they can be used to constrain the melting of Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets in response to global warming scenarios. Second, they can be used to calculate the v
Feedback between tidal dissipation and temperature-dependent mantle viscosity:
Implications for Jupiter’s moon Io
Recent Earth-based observations of Io reveal a specific distribution of persistent hotspots and sudden highintensity events. The volcanic pattern is commonly associated with the heat flux originating from Io’s tidally heated mantle and asthenosphere. Io’s interior state is a co
At present, tracking data for planetary missions largely consists of radio observables: range-rate (Doppler), range and angular position (VLBI/Δ DOR). Future planetary missions may use Interplanetary Laser Ranging (ILR) as a tracking observable. Two-way ILR will provide range dat