The role of collectiveness in the living environment of dementia sufferers

To what extent can collectiveness support a neighbourhood in which people with dementia, with a demand for care can live?

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Background More and more people have to deal with dementia themselves, in their direct or indirect environment. However, this problem is often not part of everyday life in our society. Our living environment is not designed for the increasing dependence of these people and the problems that they daily face remains often behind closed doors. The quality of life by this people is declining fast and there is an enormous increase in the demand for taking care of them. Based on the forecasts, the demand for care will become so enormous that we cannot meet this, based on our current health care system. Study aim The aim of this research is to find out how the living environment can respond by collectiveness to the demand for help and care of the people that suffer from dementia. So, to what extent can collectiveness support a neighbourhood in which people with dementia, with a demand for care can live?Methodology To answer the research question, literature has been studied, several people with dementia have been observed in their daily functioning and in-depth interviews took place with relevant people.Results The Literature study, observations and in-depth interviews show that the current method tries to create a suitable environment for people with dementia. but does not meet their needs properly. Conclusion Based on the results, it is recommended to develop an inclusive living environment for people with dementia. This inclusive living environment will create a more collective neighbourhood, where the help and care will be provided in a natural way by society.