Engaging Visitors at Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen

The design of an interactive guided experience which invites visitors to contribute and feel a sense of ownership of the collection stored in Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen

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A design was developed to introduce and invite visitors to take ownership of the collection stored in Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen. The Double Diamond process formed the basis of the design methodology. This iterative process resulted into the design of an interactive guided experience.

Extensive research resulted in the selection of four overarching themes defining the needs of visitors, staff and scientists: perspectives, belonging, recognition and relevance. The final design is based on these overarching themes. It was first prototyped and tested online and after on site in the depot.
The results of the tests were positive, the design made visitors aware of the function of the depot: the storing, preserving and collecting activities. It also personalized the visitors’ journey. Once interaction was established, it was found that visitors are also willing to add personal information to the collection. It is suggested that this system can be applied in other museum depots in general, but for that more needs to be done.