Goal oriented adaptation of unstructured meshes

Application to finite volume methods

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In the present thesis report the author synthetizes 9 months of work at the DSNA department of ONERA in Chatillon, France. The topic of the thesis is goal oriented mesh adaptation with particular application to unstructured grids and to _nite volume methods. The motivation of the present work is the application to unstructured meshes of a novel indicator for mesh adaptation, based on the total derivative of the goal function with respect to mesh nodes coordinates, introduced by Peter et al. in [6], [7] and that has been tested until now on structured grids only. In chapter 1 a brief literature survey is presented, with the aim of introducing the theoretical background of the work and the state of the art of goal oriented mesh adaptation techniques. In chapter 2 the author gives a description of the gradient computation module of the CFD software elsA, developed by ONERA, that has been the main tool used for ow simulations and mesh adaptation and the core of the code development work.
