Offshore Pumped Storage Hydropower

Design, Planning and Cost Assessment

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This research aims to improve the current knowledge and insight into the construction process, logistics, and construction costs associated with the offshore pumped storage hydropower plant. The main objective is to enhance the construction costs by optimizing the work method based on these sheltering effects.

The diffraction and sheltering effects due to the caisson dam will be determined using the Goda diffraction tables. Additionally, the Levelised Cost of Storage (LCOS) will be used to assess the cost-effectiveness of this bulk energy storage technology and enables the comparison with alternatives, such as lithium-ion and hydrogen storage.

In summary, this research addresses the promising potentials of work method optimization for offshore caisson projects regarding the local wave climate. For a case study in the North Sea, it has not only highlighted the relevance and importance of including wave sheltering. Moreover, with a LCOS of € 140-260/MWh it also shows the competitiveness of the offshore pumped storage hydropower concept once again. Alternative energy storage methods such as lithium-ion or hydrogen are in the range of € 200-400/MWh for lithium-ion and € 200-1900/MWh for hydrogen storage. Therefore, offshore pumped storage hydropower (PSH) can be a favorable solution enhancing the energy transition.


Msc_Thesis_Pumped_Storage_Hydr... (.pdf)

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