A method for determining the remaining time to chloride induced corrosion initiation of existing concrete structures

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Owners of concrete structures would benefit from knowing when to expect corrosion initiation in a particular structure. Presently, no accepted procedures for testing existing structures for the remaining time to corrosion initiation are available. This paper proposes such a procedure, based on our experience and additional considerations. From about 20 years age, existing structures contain the concrete’s response to actual environmental loads, e.g. chloride ingress profiles. By measuring the actual cover depth, taking chloride profiles, assuming a few parameters and a simple model, the expected time to corrosion initiation for a particular test area can be predicted. Numbers of cores and samples per core are given. Uncertainties can be taken into account by applying a calculatory reduction of the cover depth. Results of at least six cores per test area are classified and suggested interpretations are given. Because of large variability, the results are classified in three ranges of time to corrosion initiation: five years or less, five to fifteen years, or more than 15 years. The procedure has been approved by the relevant national Standards committees and is issued early 2018. It was applied to a field case and the obtained results are discussed.