R.B. Polder


18 records found

The elastic modulus of corrosion product (Ecp) has been reported with significant variations in the literature. This study aims to investigate the Ecp of naturally-generated chloride-induced corrosion products formed in different concrete mixes. Microstructural characterization w ...
The steel–concrete interface (SCI) is known to influence corrosion of steel in concrete. However, due to the numerous factors affecting the SCI—including steel properties, concrete properties, execution, and exposure conditions—it remains unclear which factors have the most domin ...
Blast furnace slag cement (BFSC) has been used in reinforced concrete structures in marine and road environment in The Netherlands for nearly a century. Experience is good and long service lives can be obtained. In Norway experience with BFSC is scarce. In The Netherlands, a high ...

Propagation of pitting corrosion of steel in concrete

Conceptual models for local cross section loss

Where exposed to an aggressive environment, concrete structures will develop reinforcement corrosion at some point in their life. Chloride ions from de-icing salt or sea water induce pitting corrosion. Local cross section reduction may occur relatively quickly and expansion due t ...

CUR-Aanbeveling 121:2018: Bepaling ondergrens verwachte restlevensduur van bestaande gewapende betonconstructies

Methode voor het bepalen van het einde van de initiatiefase bij bestaande civiele betonconstructies

De commissie verwacht dat bij een correct gebruik dehiervoor beschreven procedure zijn waarde in de praktijk zal bewijzen. Enerzijds omdat de beste elementen van de huidige stand van techniek zijn gebruikt, anderzijds omdat de resultaten van onderzoek en inspecties (die leiden to ...

Kathodische Bescherming van beton

Vertrouwd en toch nieuw!

Betonconstructies verouderen en hebben daarmee steeds meer last van wapeningscorrosie en betonschade. Kathodische bescherming is een oude bekende: sinds eind jaren ’80 zijn meer dan 300 constructies in infra en utiliteitsbouw beschermd. De corrosie en de verdere ontwikkeling van ...

Durability of Reinforced Concrete from Composition to Protection

Selected Papers of the 6th International RILEM PhD Workshop held in Delft, The Netherlands, July 4-5, 2013

Durability of Reinforced Concrete from Composition to Protection

Selected Papers of the 6th International RILEM PhD Workshop held in Delft, The Netherlands, July 4-5, 2013

Although the steel–concrete interface (SCI) is widely recognized to influence the durability of reinforced concrete, a systematic overview and detailed documentation of the various aspects of the SCI are lacking. In this paper, we compiled a comprehensive list of possible local c ...
Chloride induced reinforcement corrosion is the predominant degradation mechanism affecting reinforced concrete structures. Chlorides (Cl-) contained in sea water or de-icing salts penetrate through concrete pores by diffusion and/or convection. Reinforcement corrosion initiates ...
Although reinforcement corrosion is a well-known issue, which are the locations of the steel/concrete interface most sensitive to pitting corrosion is still an unclear issue. In this study, X-ray computed tomography is used to characterize eight 20-years-old reinforced concrete c ...
Electrochemical lithium migration has been suggested as repair technique for alkali-silica reaction affected concrete structure. In this method, an electric field is used to transport lithium into the material. Current studies have used anolyte solutions with various lithium salt ...
Owing to the unique molecular structure and high ion exchange capacity, hydrotalcites are believed to have a potential to be modified and tailor-made as an active corrosion protective component of reinforced concrete. In this paper, two types of modified hydrotalcites (MHT-pAB an ...
Maintenance costs of reinforced concrete infrastructure (bridges, tunnels, harbours, parking structures) are increasing due to aging of structures under aggressive exposure. Corrosion of reinforcement due to chloride ingress is the main problem for existing structures in marine a ...
The currently available treatment techniques for concrete structures affected by alkali-silica reaction (ASR) are limited and electrochemical lithium migration has been proposed as an alternative. Lithium compounds have shown to have beneficial effects on ASR expansion when used ...
Owners of concrete structures would benefit from knowing when to expect corrosion initiation in a particular structure. Presently, no accepted procedures for testing existing structures for the remaining time to corrosion initiation are available. This paper proposes such a proce ...
In the Netherlands civil engineering structures, such as overpasses, bridges and tunnels are generally built using blast furnace slag cement (BFSC, CEM III/B) concrete, because of its high resistance against chloride penetration. Although the Dutch experience regarding durability ...


2 records found

In this study, a three-scale characterization of eight 20-years-old reinforced concrete specimens naturally deteriorated due to chloride-induced corrosion was carried out. The main aim of this research was to investigate some relevant parameters to accurately model corrosion of r ...
Alkali-silica reaction (ASR) is a deterioration process that affects the durability of concrete structures worldwide. During the reaction, hydroxyl and alkali ions present in the pore solution react with reactive silica from the aggregate, forming a hygroscopic ASR gel. Alternati ...