Comparing different ultrasound imaging methods for breast cancer detection

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Ultrasound is frequently used to evaluate suspicious masses in breasts. These evaluations could be improved by taking advantage of advanced imaging algorithms, which become feasible for low frequencies if accurate knowledge about the phase and amplitude of the wave field illuminating the volume of interest is available. In this study, we compare five imaging and inversion methods: time-of-flight tomography, synthetic aperture focusing technique, backpropagation, Born inversion, and contrast source inversion. All methods are tested on the same full-wave synthetic data representing a 2-D scan using a circular array enclosing a cancerous breast submerged in water. Of the tested methods, only contrast source inversion yielded an accurate reconstruction of the speed-ofsound profile of the tumor and its surroundings, because only this method takes effects such as multiple scattering, refraction, and diffraction into account.
