Gateway to Amstel

Research on the future mid-city transport hub in the Amstel area.

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The research and design is about the future of transportation in Amsterdam Amstel and the large node in the area called the mid-city transport hub. Transportation will change in the Amstel area. How people will move through Amstel will change, the same is true for the connection of the Amstel area with other parts of Amsterdam or the Netherlands. The city will become too busy for the car, there will be an increasing use and demand of public transportation. Transportation is not only the transport of people but also the transport of goods. A current trend is that the delivery of goods in the city will increase, due to the increasing ordering of goods on the internet. A new system has to be implemented to accommodate these developments of goods delivery. A possible solution, to these two trends, is to combine them into one building, the mid-city transport hub. To know how this new building typology will work the following research question is raised: How will the future mid-city transport hub be in the Amstel area in the year 2100? In this research the conclusion is proposed that the future mid-city transport hub will be a combination between a node for human transport from Amstel to the rest of the city of Amsterdam and a fulfillment center for goods delivery in the Amstel area. It will have multiple roles to fulfill to become a gateway the Amsterdam Amstel.