Impact of pore scale heterogeneity on salt precipitation and hydrate formation during CO2 storage in porous media

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This thesis explores the occurrence of salt dry-out and hydrate formation when injecting CO2 into porous media. In large-scale CCS projects, injecting CO2 can potentially lead to salt precipitation or hydrate formation. These processes diminish injectivity and negatively alter reservoir rock properties. To gain deeper insight, experiments were conducted utilizing microfluidic setups, which allow for visual observation of salt-crystal or hydrate formation. Using microfluidic chips, ten salt dry-out experiments were conducted with varying pore sizes and six hydrate experiments were conducted with varying pulse trigger times. For the dry-out experiments, it was shown that salt crystals form mostly at the outlet side and that heterogeneity has a large impact on the precipitation process. A heterogeneous pattern results in a shift in salt distribution to the small pores, with results showing salt saturation at 7% in the small pore section of the medium-small pore chip, exceeding the 3% in the larger pore section. This shows the significant role of capillary action on salt precipitation. Results highlight that higher CO2 flow rates accelerate water evaporation and salt formation, yet final salt precipitation levels remain similar across varied flow rates. For instance, in the small pore size chip, final salt saturation was observed at 7% with a flow rate of 4.38 mm/s, decreasing to 4% at 0.78 mm/s. Additionally, the importance of high water saturation for salt dry-out and the impact of water backflow is shown. For hydrate formation, the importance of temperature and pressure was noted in these experiments. Three different pressure pulses were employed: manual control, a 0.5-second electronic pulse, and a 0.2-second electronic pulse, which all showing great effect on hydrate formation, yet no correlation could be determined between pulse length and hydrate saturation. Specifically, manual control yielded a 15% hydrate saturation with a 9.4% conversion factor, while the 0.5-second pulse achieved a 7% saturation and 9.1% conversion factor. The 0.2-second pulse resulted in 8% saturation and a 5.9% conversion factor. For the dissociation, the large effect of temperature was observed. All experiments showed a stable hydrate concentration, and a dissociation temperature between 5 and 9°C where temperature differences as small as 0.1°C were shown to be the difference between no dissociation and complete disappearance of all hydrates. Next to this kinetics, an interesting observation regarding the hydrate morphology was made. In addition to the five hydrate morphologies found in literature, a sixth, ‘sheet’-like type was observed.