Improving Disturbance Rejection With Reset Control in the Presence of Wideband Disturbances

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This thesis explores the use of reset control to improve disturbance rejection in systems subjected to wideband noise. In the high-tech industry, there is a continuous push for improved performance, particularly in achieving fast and stable motion with nanometer-level precision. Linear controllers, though industry-standard, are constrained by limitations such as Bode's gain-phase relation. Reset control offers a promising alternative, but its behaviour under wideband disturbances remains unexplored. However, such excitation is common in the context of active vibration isolation. The wide-spectrum excitation may result in dominant slow or excessive resetting, depending on the system. In both cases, the behaviour of the reset element will be different than designed. Also, the traditional method of Describing Function (DF) will not sufficiently represent the reset element's behaviour under such conditions, as it is defined for single sinusoidal excitation. This thesis studies the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the reset triggering signal of the reset element to understand the resetting behaviour. The method of Best Linear Approximation (BLA) is applied to enable the analysis of the reset element in frequency domain. Furthermore, a novel method is developed to shape the reset triggering signal, to achieve the desired behaviour of the reset element at the frequency of interest. Both simulations and experiments showed the feasibility of the method in achieving the desired behaviour of the reset element. Depending on the properties of the system, this will result in improvement of the disturbance rejection.


Master_Thesis_Ronald_van_den_B... (.pdf)

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