Analytical approach to hollow core Photonic Crystal Fiber for gas sensing

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Interference of light can be used to determine the concentration of a gas, called gas sensing. The absorption of the light by the gas molecules is measured based on the phase change of the light. In this report, a hollow core photonic crystal fiber is treated. The gas sample is inserted into the hollow core. Photonic crystal fibers possess the characteristic to have electromagnetic modes confined to the core with low attenuation. This means that there can be a high interference rate between the gas and light, which is desirable for gas sensing.
First, less complicated optical fibers were studied. The analytical solution of the electric and magnetic field for the TE and TM modes of the simple fiber were derived and for the TE modes of the step-index fiber. These results were compared to simulation done with COMSOL Multiphysics. Photonic crystal fiber with circular core was then simulated with COMSOL Multiphysics, but the results did not match with the literature. Therefore another photonic crystal fiber was simulated with a star-shaped core. The simulation results found modes concentrated in the core, with low attenuation.
It was attempted to get similar results with a three layer step-index fiber, by varying the imaginary refractive index of the middle layer. The attenuation of the three layer fiber was much higher than that of the photonic crystal fiber for all simulations. This indicates that the three layer step-index fiber does not support propagation modes that are confined to the core. Further research could be done by studying the effect of the radius of the middle layer and the real part of the refractive index.