About Dinosaurs in Laboratories - Evaluation of the Serious Game Cards for Biosafety

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Cards for Biosafety is a serious game, which was developed as part of a national research project. The aim of this game is to let young biotechnology researchers learn about risks and mitigation measures in different biotechnology environments. To evaluate the game and its learning objective, an online questionnaire was developed and distributed to national and international biosafety experts who had received a print version of the game. In total, 17 participants completed the questionnaire. The results show that Cards for Biosafety supports learning on different cognitive levels of the revised version of Bloom’s taxonomy. Especially the influence of fun and humor on the game play and the learning process was emphasized by the respondents. In addition, the creativity of the participants plays a major role in learning. Future research is needed to draw valid conclusions about the effectiveness of learning after playing Cards for Biosafety in comparison to traditional tools.