Performance analysis of a-Si:H p-i-n solar cells with and without a buffer layer at the p/i interface

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Light soaking experiments have been conducted on a-Si:H p-i-n solar cells with a silicon carbide buffer layer at the p/i interface. The rate of light induced degradation in the performance of these solar cells is higher in the initial stages of light soaking and assumes the same levels as the cells without a buffer layer with prolonged light soaking. Computer modelling has revealed that a graded band gap buffer layer at the p/i interface containing a slightly acceptor doped defective layer next to the p-layer improves the initial performance of a-Si:H p-i-n solar cells. The modelling also reveals that the effect of the buffer layer on solar cell performance depends critically on the configuration and composition of the buffer layer. (© 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)