Manufacturing for customisation
System for FDM mass customisation based on mono-material, transformable interior components using recycled PET
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The following report is an explanation to the process of identifying a relevant thesis topic, the literature research, design methodology and validation of the design task at hand. The literature research expands on the construction industry, PET as a single use waste material, Additive manufacturing, Fused Deposition modeling and the design of an internal living module as reasons to further explore this project. As problems to be further explored, Transform-ability of mono-material printing, Design for manufacturing and assembly, Research by prototype, validation methodologies and the feasibility of FDM will be addressed. The above arguments will be followed by the problem statement and research questions described in detail. The design task will be identified and the design methodology specifically built to suit this design task will be explored in depth under the topic Methodology used for thesis validation. Each section will have a small summary of findings and relevance to this thesis explained. A few topics such as climatic conditions, sustainability, PET as a material were not explored further than that described in the literature research as they are already extensively proven topics of research. One of the main outcomes of this thesis is that of an open source system of using additive manufacturing as manufacturing technique. Through an exemplary design, this project explores a physical trial and error evolution of a design without using predictive modeling. A system for anyone to evolve their design, prototype and manufacture without the need for experts could be suggested as a new wave for the maker movement; Mass customization for the mass. A chosen design task will be an exemplary result following the careful incorporation of the methodology designed specifically for this thesis topic. The methodology allows for possibilities of being adapted for similar design tasks in the future. The validation process of this design task will be heavily driven on functional and aesthetic bases. Prototyping will be used to validate the criteria directing this design task. Conclusive points to be taken away from the research will be identified towards the end of this report along with the reflections based on methodology, research and design process. A further list of recommendations to extend this topic of research will be identified and suggested for future reference as design points. All literature review references and any other references have been included.