Implicit large-eddy simulation of passive-scalar mixing in a rectangular-jet reactor

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The subgrid-scale (SGS) modeling environment provided by the Adaptive Local Deconvolution Method (ALDM) has been recently extended to Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) of passive-scalar transport. The resulting adaptive advection algorithm has been described and discussed with respect to its numerical and turbulence-theoretical background in Hickel et al. (2007). Results demonstrate that this method allows reliable predictions of the turbulent transport of passive-scalars in isotropic turbulence and in turbulent channel flow from small to moderate Schmidt numbers. Due to the strong influence of the molecular Schmidt number Sc on the Batchelor characteristic scales, difficulties in the modeling of the passive-scalar transport arise when the diffusive structures are several order of magnitude smaller than the viscous scales (Sc 1). In this paper, we present the results from implicit LES of the flow in a confined rectangular-jet reactor and an analysis of the mixing of a passive-scalar with high Schmidt number: Sc = 1, 250. The numerical study is carried out in collaboration with experimentalists from Iowa State University.