Biodegradable Sandstone

What are the possibilities of a biodegradable Sandstone?

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The research and the development of biodegradable Sandstone at TU Delft Architecture, Delft. This study was aimed to test the biodegradable Sandstone and develop a method to improve the quality of life of the refugee camp by using biodegradable Standstone. The subject of this study was selected by Mustafa Nazari, he discovered biodegradable Sandstone during the study. In the first part, data was collected about the problem statement and solution by doing
literature study. Then doing experiments to discover the properties of this material. In the designing phase will be determined of it possible is to create a temporary housing by use biodegradable Sandstone.
The results of this study make clear it is possible to create a temporary house by using specially designed bricks which are made of Biodegradable Sandstone.