Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Computational Fluid Flow Analysis

Coupling of physics-informed neural networks and autoencoders for aerodynamic flow predictions on variable geometries

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The main objective of this thesis was to explore the capabilities of neural networks in terms of representing governing differential equations, primarily in the purview of fluid/aero dynamic flows. The governing differential equations were accommodated within the loss functions for training the neural networks, thereby making them 'physics-informed'. Subsequently, this idea of physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) was extended to parameterized geometries generated with the help of commercial auto-encoders developed by the UK based company Monolith AI pvt. ltd. because neural networks have the capability to learn the desired PDEs over variable/parameterized geometries without the need to recompute the solution for every minor change in the input geometry, which proves out to be a huge advantage over classical numerical techniques. The advantages, limitations and scope for further research in the field of physics-informed deep learning have been discussed in the contents of the underlying thesis report.