
An exploration of reciprocity and the act of giving to reinvent the elderly home

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The studio ‘Designing for Care – towards an Inclusive Living Environment’ engages with the living environment of elderly that are in need of care. While our society has to cope with a growing amount of elderly, the existing care buildings often do not meet the needs and wishes of our current elderly who want to be more independent. Though they might need help at some point in time, they want to be self-governing and stay part of society. To be able to house the future generations, things have to change. The goal is to design a place where elderly with and without care can live together with others, which takes into account their wishes and needs and gives them something to look forward to. A place that does not exclude elderly from society, but makes them part of it again. One that stimulates them, encourages them to participate and contribute, enjoy and laugh. In which people look after each other and take care of each other. A social net. A place they can transfer their knowledge gathered throughout life, tell their stories and one in which they can in turn learn from others. A community based on reciprocity.