Result Elective - Landscape Architecture ON site, being part of Oerol 2017

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This booklet shows the results of a project developed at the TU Delft in a Master elective course offered by the chair of Landscape Architecture: Landscape Architecture ON site. The project revolves around the realization of a temporary, interactive ‘design-and-build’ project in a landscape setting, for the yearly Oerol festival held on the island of Terschelling in June each year. Students research, conceptualize and construct an installation to be visited by festival public.
The project combines specific landscape conditions of a site with the interaction of visitors and the dynamics of onsite construction, exploring the role of spatial designers in situated, interactive projects.
Students: Bella Bluemink, Eva Ventura, Eva Willemsen, Federica Sanchez, Ge Hong, Ilya Tasioula, Jan Gerk de Beer, Joey Liang, Lukas Kropp, Maël Vanhelsuwé, IVIax Einerf IVlichelle Siemerink, Qingyun Lin, Timothy Radhitya Djagiri.Yao Lu.
Tutors chair of Landscape Architecture: D.Piccinini and R.van der Velde