Towards an integration of GIS and BIM data

What are the geometric and topological issues?

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Geographic information and building
information modelling both model buildings and infrastructure, but the
way in which they are modelled is usually complimentary and BIM-GIS
integration is widely considered as a way forward for both domains. For
one, more detailed BIM data can feed more general GIS data and GIS data
can provide the context that is necessary to BIM data. While previous
studies have focused on the theoretical aspects of such an integration
at a schema level, in this paper we focus on explaining the geometric
and topological issues we have found while trying to develop software to
realise such an integration in practice and at a data level. In our
preliminary results, which are presented here, we have found that many
issues for such an integration remain: handling the geometric and
topological problems in BIM models, dealing with bad georeferencing and
figuring out the best way to convert data between IFC and CityGML are
all open issues.