Integration of threat information into the route (re-)planning task

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Route planning through a hostile environment requires the user to translate information on threats into constraints that influence the location of the planned waypoints. During the execution of the plan, new information on threats requires the user to generate guidance that keeps the trajectory within safe separation fromt the terrain and obstacles, while minimizing the additional risk posed bu the threats. In earlier research, the visual depiction of sensor detection- and weapon engagement zones has been proposed to increase operator situation awareness. The current research has focused on integration of threat information into the route (re-)planning task by provinding visually integrated information on threats associated risk. The resulting concept aims to provide the user in obtaining an (almost) instantaneous understanding of the impact the different threats have on the risk along the route and exposure to the risk. A generic implementation of the concept has been designed for the planning and execution phase and integraed into an experimental nautical navigation display, a synthetic vision terrain following guidance display and a UAV mission management system.